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Melasma has been known to be a common skin problem, as it causes discolored or dark patches on the skin. When it occurs in pregnant women, it is called as chloasma or the “mask of pregnancy.”

Melasma is seen predominantly in women.

Areas of the body with Melasma show various colored spots viz. tan, brown, or blue-gray. It is predominantly seen to happen on areas of body such as

  • Jaw line
  • Cheekbone
  • Central face

The cause of Melasma can be anything from the rays of the sun, genetic problems, or hormonal changes seen in women.

It has also been observed that an increase in melanin irritates the skin and can lead to accelerated symptoms of Melasma.

At the time of pregnancy, women undergo hormonal changes and this could lead to flaring up of Melasma.

Women taking birth control pills are at the risk of getting Melasma.

It could also simply be an aftermath of high sun exposure on sensitive skin.

Other skin orders that mimic Melasma can be listed as –

  • Skin injuries left behind by acne – they exhibit similar skin discoloration
  • Sun spots caused by the sun
  • Brown or gray colored rash called as lichen planus pigmentosis
  • Discoloration or hyperpigmentation of the skin due to certain medication


Our therapy treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The similimum medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution, family history, presenting symptoms, underlying pathology, possible causative factors etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions.

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